
We learnt about onomatopoeia - words that sound the way they are written. We used bright bold colours to create our own onomatopoeia art.

After visiting Harold in the Life Education Truck we learnt about bucket fillers and bucket dippers. A bucket filler is a person who does kind things and makes other people feel good. A bucket dipper makes people feel sad. In the story Rainbow Fish, he was a bucket filler because he shared his sparkly scales. Here are our rainbow fish.

Imaginary islands
We read a story in the library about a boy and his imaginary island. We decided to create our own imaginary islands and each wrote a short description about our island. We had to try and include different 2D and 3D shapes. They are in our cloak bay if you want to see them.

We made the most of the cold winter days by writing winter poems and creating snowmen to go with our poems. Come in to read our poems and see our snowmen up close.

Poppies for ANZAC day
The Junior school came together to do different ANZAC activities. One of these was making collage poppies. Here is Scott with his poppy.

Ruler Art
We are learning to use our rulers to create straight lines. To make it more fun we combined it with our art. Here are just a few of our side portraits with our first attempts using rulers. They are hanging up in class if you want to see more!
Look back later in the year to see if we have improved at ruling straight lines.

Bubble Art
We created bubble art to practise using pastels. Our work is displayed in the cloakroom if you want to see more.

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